There is some hidden journaling bahind the picture. I just attatched it with my sewing machine in the top and it flips up.

I hope you will play along, please read the information since there are some changes from last month. And the prizes is great this month, each winner gets a set of Spellbinders. Here is the sketch. And no, I coudn’t even follow my own sketch ;) I always have to change something, this time the position of the picture (it looked like I was looing out from the page if I kept it on the right side). Anyways, it’s ok to change things around a bit, to rotate the sketch or whatever, as long as we can see that your entry is based on the sketch.

Have fun now, I hope you will be inspired by the sketch!
Try looking way down on the bottom of the page, it should say follow me and pick the top drop down menu of the two. That one is for the blog feed. Pick google and then I hope it works, it does for me :) good luck and thanks for stopping by!
I'm having a tiny problem I can't seem to be able to subscribe your feed, I'm using google reader by the way.
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